THIRTEENTH Annual Yosemite Symbiosis Workshop 2025

An integrative meeting of biologists focusing on symbiosis research
April 18-20, 2025
UC Merced Sierra Nevada Research Station, Wawona, Yosemite National Park

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Britt Koskella, UC Berkeley 

Why: Our goal is to better integrate scientists who focus on symbiosis research, including researchers that study animal-microbe and plant-microbe systems, as well as broader topics related to microbiomes, cooperation, and mutualism. This will be our 13th annual meeting and we have been consistently attracting scientists from all over the country and overseas.

Who: The meeting is small and intimate by design (45 participants). We typically cover a range of symbiosis topics from ecology and evolution to molecular mechanisms in different model and non-model systems. 

What: The meeting will be made up of two half-days of talks and one poster session. Other than the keynote (~1 hour), talks are 15 minutes long (including time for questions). Posters are flexible for size, but the ideal poster should be no larger than ~4 feet square.  When you apply for the meeting, you will provide your preference for a talk or poster.

When: A welcome party will occur for everyone arriving on the evening of Friday April 18th. The talks and poster sessions will be held Saturday and Sunday April 19-20, 2025. 

Where:  This is the best part! The meeting takes place at the Sierra Nevada Research Station, in Wawona California, within the border of Yosemite National Park!

What will it cost?  We have secured funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore foundation, allowing us to make the meeting FREE to graduate students and postdocs. The registration will still be $300 for PIs and other types of participants (e.g. industry/foundation/journalist). The registration deadline is March 14, 2025.

Registration will require an abstract. Everyone who registers on time gets to present a talk or poster (your choice).

What does registration include? Registration includes lodging Friday and Saturday nights, a welcome party with light refreshments on Friday night, all meals on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. The cabins are rustic with shared, dorm-like rooms and bunk beds. There are no single rooms. Please don't register unless you are comfortable with the idea of staying in a rustic cabin or sharing a room. For questions about travel or lodging, please feel free to email Carolin Frank (

Sorry, no guests The Yosemite field station is getting busier every year with researchers, and so must prioritize participants over guests. If you want to bring guests, we kindly ask that you make your own arrangements with the nearby Wawona hotel. If you are breastfeeding, we can try to accommodate your baby and partner, but there's no guarantee. Please email Carolin if this is your situation (

Please fill out the registration form below. If you are a PI, you need to pay the registration fee in order for your registration to be complete. Payment is by credit card only. Cancellations are not allowed, but in the event that we need to cancel the workshop (e.g. due to weather), you will get a refund. 



Please direct any questions to the organizers:  Carolin Frank <>  & Joel Sachs <>

You can look at ALL past programs here for:


2017,  2018,  2019, (cancelled in 2020, 2021), 2022, 2023, 2024

  Please direct any questions to Joel Sachs at joel[dot]sachs[at]